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  => Delegación Venezolana participa en CARIFESTA X
  => Venezuelan Delegation participates in CARIFESTA X
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Venezuelan Delegation participates in CARIFESTA X

Venezuelan Delegation participates in the Caribbean Festival of Arts


August 22-31

Guyana 2008




A Venezuelan Delegation comprising of 41 members will participate in the Caribbean Festival of Arts “CARIFESTA X” from the 21 to the 25 of August 2008 in Georgetown, Guyana.  The Venezuelan talents are represented by the Ministry of the People’s Power for Culture of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Institute of Scenic and Musical Arts directed by Mr. Rodolfo Porras, the Centre for Cultural Diversity directed by Benito Irady, the Foundation National Company of Dance and the Foundation National Company of Music.  These institutions will present at this multicultural event a program showing the strength, vitality and happiness of the Venezuelan traditional manifestations popular in the various regions of this country.   


Under the theme Dance and Music of the National Folklore of Venezuela, this production will take visitors, delegations and Guyanese through all the Venezuelan geography, displaying various scenes such as Carrizos de San José de Guaribe, “El Panecillero”, Joropos and Estribillos, Diablos Danzantes (Dancing Devils), San Juan de Guatire, Mina y Culo e ' Puya, Rhythm of Tamunangue, Tambor Coriano (Drum), Bambuquisimo, Gaita de Tambora y Chimbangueles, Brisas del Torbe, Giros de San Benito, Cantos de Arreo y Ordeño, Guayacán en Contrapunteo, Joropo Sabanero, among other manifestations.


It is important to highlight that among the delegates there is Professor Esteban Emilio Monsoyi, an anthropologist, winner of the National Humanitarian Award, who on Monday 25 of August 2008, with his command of various languages will give a conference on “Cultural Diversity in Venezuela and its relation to the Caribbean” and also he will offer an extraordinary conference on the Caribbean integration process, at the building of the Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (IVCC). 


On the 26 of August at approximately 11:30 am, the Venezuelan Delegation returned to the city of Caracas.


Schedule of presentations by the Venezuelan Delegation:


Workshops, Forums & Master Classes presented by the Venezuela Drama Workshop held at the Umana Yana on Saturday, 23 of August.


Country presentation by Venezuela at the Grand Cultural Market & Trade Fair in the Sophia Exhibition Center on Saturday, 23 of August.


Performing arts by the title “Amazonia” presented by the Venezuelan National Dance & Music Company held at the National Cultural Centre on Sunday, 24 of August.

   Spanish Version                                              

El ALBA . Alternativa Bolivariana para las América  
  El ALBA es el amanecer de la integración latinoamericana
Preservar la paz, la especie humana y afrontar la crisis alimentaria son grandes desafíos que se deben afrontar con la voluntad de vencer a la gran potencia norteamericana

Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao
EL Socialismo del Siglo XXI  
  La Salvación de la Humanidad
Las cualidades eminentes que caracterizan al hombre grande: valor para arrostrar el peligro,
inteligencia para vencer,
amor a la patria y odio a la tiranía.

Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao
Frases ll Hugo Chávez Frías  
  '' Tenemos que ayudar todos los días al nacimiento de la conciencia cuando no la haya y al fortalecimiento de la conciencia cuando ya exista. ''
Presidente Hugo Chávez Frías

Lineas del Comandante.

Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao

Ha llegado la hora de los pueblos y ha comenzado a sonar en todos los relojes: la hora de fundirnos en una verdadera hermandad continental, para honrar de forma activa, en esta Era Bicentenaria, el legado de dignidad plena de nuestras libertadoras y libertadores.
He allí nuestro desafío histórico: no sólo ser sus herederos y herederas, sino sus continuadores y continuadoras.

Uh! Ah! Chávez no se va. La Enmienda Va ,15 de febrero 2009

Simón Bolívar  
  Díos Concede la victoria a la constancia.

Él que persevera vence.

Moral y Luces son nuestras primeras necesidades.

La Moral es la base de la disciplina del hombre

Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao
  Prospero Año 2010, unidos en familia y en paz, con la esperanza de que el espiritú de Jesús llegue a nuestros hogares derramando amor, paz y esperanza....... Sección Informática A/N

Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao
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