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Traducion al Ingles Alicia Balasar
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao |
Día de la Mujer |
On Monday 8th of March 2010, The Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation, was transformed into a centre of colors and cultural activities as they joined with The Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other National Organizations to celebrate Women’s International Day under the theme of the United Nations: “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities; Progress for All”.
The welcome and opening remarks were done by the Ambassador of Venezuela His Excellency Dario Morandy, who mentioned the importance that women play in the development of a society, after which short lectures were done by representatives of different Governmental and International Organizations, such as: Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, represented by Miss Hymattie Lagan, Head of the Women’s Affairs Bureau in Guyana; United Nations Infant and Child Funds (UNICEF), represented by Miss Doris Ross, Head of the Child Protection Unit; Help and Shelter represented by Mr. Kevin Massiah,Public Education Officer and Miss. Hazel Burnrett,Former Head of the Woman’s Bureau of Guyana.
After the presentations, the audience was entertained by a few poems, one of which, was done in Spanish and English by Miss Corina Morandy, entitled “Essential Woman” (Mujer Esencial); another by Miss Violet Whitehead, entitled “No Woman No Cry” and finally by Mr. Petamber Persaud, head of the Literary Organization of Guyana, entitled “Woman, I Love You”, dedicated to all the ladies.
The event was closed by a short skit from a group that thrilled the audience. The closing remarks were done by Miss.Ediclia Bastardo Specialist Professor of the IVCC, after which the ladies were served with refreshments.

El ALBA . Alternativa Bolivariana para las América |
El ALBA es el amanecer de la integración latinoamericana
Preservar la paz, la especie humana y afrontar la crisis alimentaria son grandes desafíos que se deben afrontar con la voluntad de vencer a la gran potencia norteamericana
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao |
EL Socialismo del Siglo XXI |
La Salvación de la Humanidad
Las cualidades eminentes que caracterizan al hombre grande: valor para arrostrar el peligro,
inteligencia para vencer,
amor a la patria y odio a la tiranía.
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao |
Frases ll Hugo Chávez Frías |
'' Tenemos que ayudar todos los días al nacimiento de la conciencia cuando no la haya y al fortalecimiento de la conciencia cuando ya exista. ''
Presidente Hugo Chávez Frías
Lineas del Comandante.
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao
Ha llegado la hora de los pueblos y ha comenzado a sonar en todos los relojes: la hora de fundirnos en una verdadera hermandad continental, para honrar de forma activa, en esta Era Bicentenaria, el legado de dignidad plena de nuestras libertadoras y libertadores.
He allí nuestro desafío histórico: no sólo ser sus herederos y herederas, sino sus continuadores y continuadoras.
Uh! Ah! Chávez no se va. La Enmienda Va ,15 de febrero 2009
Simón Bolívar |
Díos Concede la victoria a la constancia.
Él que persevera vence.
Moral y Luces son nuestras primeras necesidades.
La Moral es la base de la disciplina del hombre
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao |
Mensajes |
Prospero Año 2010, unidos en familia y en paz, con la esperanza de que el espiritú de Jesús llegue a nuestros hogares derramando amor, paz y esperanza....... Sección Informática A/N
Pagina Web copyright Nelson Mendoza Almao |