Darío Morandy Figuera was born in Cantaura – Anzoátegui, Venezuela, on the 26th of March 1956. He is married to Mrs. Corina Flores de Morandy. They have 2 children; Rubén Darío and José Leonardo, who are both lawyers.
In 1980, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology at the University of Oriente. Subsequently he carried out a postgraduate course in Educational Administration and other courses as part of his permanent training.
For 27 years he worked at the University of Oriente. He accomplished various activities both administrative as well as teaching in the Departments of Extra-academic Activities, Student Orientation and Preventive and Social Medicine, where he fulfilled functions as the Coordinator for the Department of Social Sciences corresponding to the Area of Preventive and Social Medicine. He retired on the 15 of November 2006.
He was a Member of Parliament of the Legislative Assembly of the Bolivar State, elected for 3 consecutive periods (1994/2000). In 1996 he was elected President of the Legislative Assembly and during his positions as a Parliamentarian he presided over the Permanent Commissions of “Public Health”, “Culture and Heritage” and “Internal Policy”.
In 2006 he was appointed member of the Directive Council of the Social Production Fund of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana – C.V.G. – (abbreviated in Spanish).
He has carried out several research works on different topics whereby the following are emphasized: “The policy of the Venezuelan State and the transnationalization of capital: Sidor, Venalum and Alcasa”, “Expectative and Academic Performance of the undergraduate”, the Way of Life, Domestic Violence and Levels of Health Risk”, etc.
For 12 years he has been a columnist of various regional newspapers in the State of Bolivar and at national level of the digital newspaper “Aporrea”.
In February 2007 he was designated by President Hugo Chávez, as Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela before the Republic of Guyana where he assumed his duties from the 30 of August 2007.
Versión en Español